Thursday, June 12, 2014

Why Was Tuck's Latest Winner Not Even Mentioned By the Owner?

Well, for all you Tara Tucker sympathizers (you know who you are), I hate to burst your bubble, but she's had yet another fake winner. No, I'm not talking about Becky Simmons this time. Since Tara had such a fit, called me out on her page and said I was wrong (which I was not because Becky IS a fake profile), reported a comment on my page that caused me to be placed on "Facebook arrest" (unable to post) for 24 hours, I'm going to put it out here for everyone to see concerning her latest fake winner, Linda Atkinson. Yes, that's right, Linda Atkinson. Now go find where that person has interacted on her page ~ on any of Tara's pages! I know I couldn't find her! Tara doesn't even mention Linda Atkinson when she addresses me, trying to "call me out" concerning the post that WAS on my page about her fake winners. See below.

The ONLY mention of Linda at all was where she was announced as the winner of the $135 on June 4. See below.

Why would Tara not mention the $135 winner but would mention the winners of the $15 prizes? Simple! The winners of the $15 prizes are all real winners, but Linda is not (although out of all of the winners, I can only find interaction on the page by Crystal, which makes me question the validity of the other winners as well).

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