Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Heather Follows Her Typical M.O. of Stealing Images with Amanda Esposito Profile

Since "Amanda Esposito" wants to claim she is so real and not fake in the least, I thought I would call her out on it. She has posted pictures of her supposed home on her profile. They are as bogus as she is. Heather aka Heddy Hastings, whether you steal images to sell or you steal images to pretend they are a fake home where your fake profile lives, we can find them. Give it up! I'd have called you out on your profile itself but, of course, you blocked me from posting on it. Therefore, I'm calling you out here.

The screenshots below show Amanda's posted image from her album titled "my home." followed by the google search screenshot for that image. The first image is a screenshot of all 8 pics in her album.


Toddler Room
Her home
Living Room



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