Friday, January 4, 2013

Vendor Using the Sandy Hook Tragedy to Profit

It was brought to my attention that Heather Vonhagen, owner of Handmade by the love of Design, was using the Sandy Hook tragedy to profit rather than actually collecting money for the families of the victims of the horrible tragedy. I decided to check it out and someone had already reported her to another page that made a post on her page concerning her scamming in the name of the tragedy which she immediately deleted. She then decided to make the following post ~ and deleted the first two comments (the one from Lauren and the one from me).

Heather first deleted comments and then told one lie after another concerning the money that was supposed to be donated. She is unable to post any proof of donating because she undoubtedly didn't donate anything. She got mad at me for all of this and inboxed me saying, "Come to ct meet me face to face". (Yes, if necessary, I can take a screen shot of it.) The lady will be placed on the Beware list during the next update due to this scam so that I can alert everyone but I wanted to give everyone an early alert because of what she's already done in the wake of this tragedy.

UPDATE Jan. 05, 2013 10:40 PM:
I was checking out the Handmade by the love of Design page again. It appears that the actual creator of the "Angel of Light" image that Heather was using on the pendants and on her Facebook page has contacted Heather by message and now also by a comment directly on her page concerning copyright infringement. I took a screen shot of Gail's comment on Heather's page. It is in the red box below.

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