Thursday, January 17, 2013

11 Month Wait for 6 Crocheted Hats? Really??

Loris' Lovables posted a "deal" on Monday, January 14th, saying it would be available to one person (the first person to email her accepting the deal). The deal would be 6 crocheted hats for $60 plus shipping to be paid ASAP. Here's the catch ~ the hats wouldn't be ready until Christmas!! WHAT??? REALLY??? Customers only have 45 days to file a claim to get their money back!! The customer wouldn't have her hats by the end of 45 days this way, so she either files at the end of 45 days to get her money back because she won't have the hats or she waits and loses any chance to get her money back (even through her credit card's issuing bank, she has only 90 days to file for a charge-back). I commented on the "deal" post, as did a few other people. Loris' Lovables deleted those comments, but not before I got a screen shot.

After deleting our comments, Loris' Lovables banned us from commenting on her page and then made a post and pinned it to her page.

Sorry, but there is NO excuse for your customers having to wait beyond Paypal's 45 day time limit for your hats. If you are that far behind, stop taking orders and get caught up! Your customers deserve better customer service ~ I don't care how well you are keeping in touch with them. Paypal has a time limit for a reason, as does a credit card's issuing bank! You are going well beyond those time frames!

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